In the second Ted Talk I watched by Robert Waldinger called “What Makes A Good Life? Lessons From The Longest Study on Happiness” he focused on three main points on how to live a happy life. The first point he made was “Social connections are good for us and loneliness kills”(Waldinger). Its been proven that people who are isolated aren’t as happy. Also they live shorter lives, due to their brains weakening from lack of social contact, causing them to die earlier on (Waldinger). He advocates a sad statistic that 1 in 5 Americans report that they’re lonely. Having a planet filled with so many people and so many potential friends, no one should ever feel that they are alone. His second point made is that it’s not about the number of friends you have,  but the quality of close friendships. We live in a time where being popular is important, but what does popularity matter if you don’t have a single friend you can truly open up to. The close intimate relationships are what makes us thrive in this lifetime rather than the number of people that know our name. In his last point, Robert claims that “Good relationships protect our brains”(Waldinger). He advocates that when you feel like you can count on a person in times of need, your memory has been proven to stay sharper longer. So the key take-away we can learn from this Ted Talk is that building strong relationships is what makes us live the happiest lives!

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